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Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Diaries Blog is Born

Weeeee!!! Here we go. My own blog and I promise to keep it interesting. You see..I,m not just a Crockpotting fool who likes to share recipes, I,m a Crock Potter, steel worker, glass artist with a background in Lighting AND Electrical who has much knowledge to share in the arts, crafts and  tradesmans arenas that most people prefer to hire out for than to even think about attempting to do themselves. Yes I am 50, a woman, and I am fierce!! (just ask me)!!
       Dont get me wrong I can't wire your house, (well I could, but you may want to sleep with one eye open in case there is a flicker in the night :p) but I can make light fixtures, wire them onto your walls and ceilings to the point that you can flip a switch and if there are bulbs in them they will even provide illumination..YUP! I can do that. I can take a hand drawn picture like a fish perhaps, have it put on cad and have it burned out of steel and THEN turn it magically into copper and then turn it into a side table..YUP! I can do that!! I can also take hundreds of small pieces of glass, shape them and then solder them all together to make a window..YUP! I can do that, you see I can do all these things and I do, which is why the Crockpot Diaries was born, for other busy people who dont have time to fuss over a stove all day so now I can add Crockpot afficiondo to my list of accomplishments!!

   Well, there you have it on this beautiful sunny October 22nd, 2011 day, The Diaries Blog is born and I cant wait to show you  and to share with all of you EVERYTHING i know, we will build Lights and Chandeliers together using things that you never knew could be used to create a light, I will show you how to turn steel into copper and we will make a window together ALL while our Chicken and Dumplings are festering in the pot.

Enjoy the ride

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